Api Tuitubou was on his way to visit his parents' home near Suva, Fiji when he noticed a vehicle, a similar model to his own, broken down by the side of the road. Api, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, stopped and asked the occupants what was the trouble.
Since he had spare car parts at his parents' home a few blocks away, he worked on their car and discovered the problem was a bit more complicated than he first thought and would require the help of a mechanic.
Tuitubou learned that they had borrowed the car from a relative and had travelled a long distance from their village in Ra to sell their produce at a market in Suva. Since he had the needed replacement part, he decided to give it to them and arranged for someone more qualified to fix their vehicle.
"After thinking of how far they had travelled and the sacrifices they put into bringing their farm produce to the market,” Tuitubou said, “I just thought I will give them the replacement part (since I have it). Just seeing the look on their faces…melted my heart."
A few weeks later, Tuitubou got an unexpected visit from the owner of the repaired car. “They came with a bag of cassava and two dozen coconuts," he said. “The gratitude they came with just brought so much satisfaction.”
The owner of the car “told me that whatever he brought would not cover the part, but he and his family are grateful and have been praying for me and my family,” Tuitubou noted.
He continued, “He had been sharing with his family and friends how a complete stranger helped his nephew on the road, and how God had put them in the right place at the right time for me to come along and help them.”
Tuitubou says he is grateful he was able to help. “I believe if we have the opportunity to help someone, help them out, 'cause you might just impact that person in a positive way that will bless you in a big way.”
“Even in the hard times we're going through, this short turn of events just put a smile on my face and has made me ready to take that extra mile to help when I can be of any assistance."
In the October general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson said: “Latter-day Saints, as with other followers of Jesus Christ, are always looking for ways to help, to lift, and to love others. They who are willing to be called the Lord’s people ‘are willing to bear one another’s burdens, … to mourn with those that mourn; … and [to] comfort those that stand in need of comfort.’ They truly seek to live the first and second great commandments. When we love God with all our hearts, He turns our hearts to the well-being of others in a beautiful, virtuous cycle.” The Second Great Commandment, Russell M. Nelson, October, 2019.